How To Delete Paypal Account

How To Delete Paypal Account In 2022?

Get the easiest way to know about how to delete Paypal Account 2022 from the device. Users think that it may be hard to delete an account but it contains simple methods. But after this, it is unable for the users to get the backup details of the Paypal accounts. So, you have to follow the proper process before doing this activity.

What to do before deactivating the Paypal Account?

Activities before Closing the Paypal Account

If you are ready to delete the Paypal Account. Then, do these things before logging out from your Paypal Account.

Maintain a Paypal history

After closing the account then, you can’t get the history backup after reactivating the Paypal account. So, you have to maintain this history or logs in form of a Screen recorder or Screenshots.

Delete Bank details from Paypal

You have to delete the bank details or connection of the bank from Paypal. If you don’t do this then you may face some issues to remove the account.

Remove Debit/Credit Card

Before deleting or closing the connectivity of the Card, make sure it does not have any balance. It is because, if the Card has a negative balance then you cannot close the Paypal Account. 

Transfer or use your existing money

Transfer your Paypal money to someone else Paypal Account. It is because you can’t get your money back after deactivation.

How to Delete Paypal Account?

To delete the Paypal Account 2022, you just have to follow these simple steps. If you are an iPhone user then, you can also follow this process. 

  • Log into the Paypal Account
  • Go to the Setting option in Paypal
  • Now click on the Account Options (Choose whether you have to close the Business Paypal account or Personal account)
  • Then, tap on the Close Account

How to remove Bank Account or Card from Paypal?

If you want to close the Paypal Account then, you also have to delete the Bank Account or Card Details from Paypal. It is because once, you have closed the account then it can refund your money next time.

Steps to Delete Bank Account from Paypal

  1. First, log in to the Paypal Account
  2. Click on the Pay & Get Option
  3. After this tap on the option of Bank and Card
  4. Now choose the icon of Bank
  5. Then click on the “Remove” and continue.

Steps to remove the Card from Paypal?

To remove the Debit/Credit Card from Paypal, follow this simple process.

  1. Login the Paypal
  2. Go to the option of Pay & Get
  3. Click on the Bank & Card
  4. Then, choose the Card 
  5. Now, click to remove it from the Paypal Account

How to close Paypal Account and Open New One?

When you delete the existing account then you have to make a different Paypal account. To close the Paypal Account and Open New One does not mean it contains the old backup.

A New Paypal Account is a fresh account that gets started after visiting the official site of Paypal. Now, click on the Sign-up option, Choose from the Personal or Business account. After this, link the Bank and Debit/Credit Card details with Paypal.


How to Delete the Paypal account without logging in?

If in some case you have lost your phone and need to close the Paypal Account. Just call on the Paypal service and tell them details and deactivate the service.

Can I transfer money from Paypal to Paypal?

Transfer Money from Paypal to Paypal

Yes, it is done before delete the Paypal Account. 

  • Go to the home page of Paypal
  • Now Select the Send & Request Option
  • Enter the Email, Phone number, and other details of the recipient
  • Now Enter the amount 
  • After this, click on done

Why Cannot Close My Paypal Account?

This issue may be faced if your Paypal Account contains a balance, it can be negative or positive. In this situation, you can’t close the Paypal Account.

Is It Safe To Give Someone Your Paypal Details?

Yes, you have to give some details of Paypal to receive the money from someone else. But be careful, don’t share your Paypal Password or Bank details.

Does Paypal Refund Money If It Is Hacked?

It is hard to hack the Paypal account because it takes safety measures. But if someone has hacked it and stolen the money then, it is not easy to get it back.